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Konzepthaus Podcasts


Listen to live reviews from the show floors of the world’s biggest auto shows, and learn about the design philosophies and career paths of the industry’s top designers and engineers. Our special guests include industry leaders from the world’s largest manufacturers and mobility design pioneers.


EP 46: The Reality of Color & Trim Design with Sue Neuhauser

Sue Neuhauser joins Martin in this week's episode to have a conversation about the reality of color and trim design in the design industry. Throughout the conversation, they cover questions like "Why is CMF being disregarded by so many people?" and "How can CMF, UI and UX Designers improve future products?".


Folge 04: Design as a Business mit Klaus Bischoff

In diese Überraschungs-Crossover-Episode mit unserem Bruder-Podcast, GESTALTEN spricht Martin mit Klaus Bischoff, Head of VW Group Design über den Einfluss von Design bei Business Entscheidungen.
Viel Spaß euch!


EP 45: Design as a Business #2 with Klaus Bischoff

In this special crossover episode with our brother podcast, Moodboard from our Konzepthaus Digital department Martin met with Head of VW Group Design, Klaus Bischoff to talk about how design can have an impact on business decisions. This episode is in German. For all English speaking listeners please head to Youtube to enjoy this episode with English subtitles.


Folge 03: Barrierefreies UX mit Christoph Gesting

"Barrierefreies UX", ein Buzzword wie es im Buche steht. Auch ich persönlich konnte bislang nicht wirklich viel damit anfangen, bis mir Christoph Gesting erklärt hat, was genau das ist und wie er damit nicht nur Nutzern, sondern auch seinen Kunden bei Quinscape riesigen Mehrwert bieten kann. Unser Gespräch hört ihr in der heutigen Podcastfolge. Viel Spaß!


EP 44: How culture inspires car design with Thomas Bigwood

Thomas Bigwood joins Martin in this week's episode to have a conversation about the question of how cultural differences have an impact on design. Throughout the conversation, he will give unique insights about his experience at car companies such as Toyota and Renault.


Folge 02: Personal Branding mit Christos Stavrou

Was ist denn eigentlich Personal Branding und braucht man das überhaupt? Heute zu Gast: Christos Stavrou. Gründer. Freelancer. Podcaster von wenighair. Er steckt grade mitten im Aufbau seiner eigenen Personal Brand.
Wie er da "reingerutscht" ist und was das für ihn bedeutet, erfahrt ihr in der heutigen Folge.
Viel Spaß!


EP 43: The Importance and Function of Design with Michael DiTullo

Michael DiTullo, one of the most experienced and versatile designers in the industry joins Martin in this week's episode to have a conversation about the relevance of design in product marketing. Throughout the conversation, he will give unique insights about his knowledge in the car, smartphone and sneaker design fields.


Folge 01: Learning Design with Clemens Mahler

Kick-Off! Es geht - gezwungenermaßen remote - los mit Folge #01 in der sich alles um das Thema Lernen und Weiterbilden dreht. Dazu als Gast: Clemens Mahler - Dozent und Freelancer, mit dem ich über seine Erfahrungen als Dozent spreche und der seine Insights teilt, wie man die herausfordernde Projektlage sinnvoll nutzen kann, dem eigenen Design-Können ein kurzes Update den letzten Schliff zu geben.


EP 42: Mobility and Design with Puma's Sonny Lim

Sonny Lim, Head of Design Motorsports at PUMA's Headquarter in Herzogenaurach, Germany joins Martin in this week's episode to talk about what Mobility means for a company such as Puma, how his background in transportation and product design helped him to develop a diverse design career, why a shoe is not that different from a car and how product and transportation might merge in the future.


EP 41: Design as a Business with Benjamin Nawka

Benjamin Nawka, Chief Designer at Borgward's German studio in Stuttgart joins Martin in this week's episode to share some insights on how design can impact major business decisions in a positive way, how to run a design studio as a design and how knowing more than just the design department helps you to make better decisions for better products.


EP 40: Teaching Design and Beyond with Lutz Fügener

Lutz Fügener, Professor for Transporation Design and Chair of the Bachelors Programme at the renowned Pforzheim University joins Martin in the 10th Special Episode to discuss design education, how students impact the design industry, is a MBA for creatives anything we will see in the future and the role of the industry in education.


EP 39: Starting a Design Organization with Oliver Vogt (Partner - Konzepthaus Innovation Consultancy)

Oliver Vogt, Byton's Director of Design Operations, joins Martin in the 9th Special Episode to talk about the process of starting a design organization, the challenges he faced in this journey and the experience he made.