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    Picks of the month

    3 major changes in the last 3 decades that have affected the car design world.

    Martin examines how Photoshop, post-2008 growth in design teams, and Social Media changed car design, urging a reevaluation of education and leadership for quality maintenance within the car design world.

  • Cover - Employment Statistics & Development 2024
    Picks of the month

    Automotive Design Report 2024

    Welcome to the 4th year of the Konzepthaus Design Study focusing on “Employment Statistics & Development”.

    This report focuses on employment statistics and trends such as salary, gender, business operations and personal development in the global mobility design industry.

  • Cover - Neutral Yellow Right
    Picks of the month

    We build creative teams

    It is our purpose, our "why" and our foundation. Our knowledge, understanding and network within the mobility and digital design world are unique, however, our partners describe us in three little points:

    You make us better.

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KDS #1 - Employment Statistics & Development 2024

We build creative teams

We build creative teams is much more than a slogan for us, it is our purpose, our "why" and our foundation. Our knowledge, understanding and network within the mobility and digital design world is unique, however our partners describe us in three little points: "You care, You are honest, and You make us better.".


Latest Studies

Cover - Employment Statistics & Development 2024
Automotive Design Report 2024

Employment Statistics & Development

This KDS focuses on global employment statistics & development and is divided into four chapters – salary, gender, business operations and personal development.

  • Focussed on the global mobility design industry
  • 10 key findings
  • Results evaluated by our Consulting experts
AI in Design
Automotive Design Report 2023

AI in Design

Welcome to the 4th year of the Konzepthaus Design Study focusing on “Employment Statistics & Development”.

This report focuses on employment statistics and trends such as salary, gender, business operations and personal development in the global mobility design industry.

KDS #1 2023 Report - UX Design
UX Design Report 2023

Employment Statistics & Development

This KDS focuses on the Central Europe and the UK employment statistics & development and is divided into four chapters – salary, gender, business operations and personal development.

  • Focussed on the UX design industry
  • 11 key findings
  • Results evaluated by our Recruiting Consultant experts
KDS #1 2023 Report - Automotive Design
Automotive Design Report 2023

Employment Statistics & Development

This KDS focuses on global employment statistics & development and is divided into four chapters – salary, gender, business operations and personal development.

  • Focussed on the global mobility design industry
  • 11 key findings
  • Results evaluated by our Consulting experts
Pistons & Pretzels Bicester
Pistons & Pretzels Frankfurt
Digital Designers Night
Digital Designers Night

Using logic and creativity to deliver impeccable solutions

Over many years of working with creative teams within the automotive, transportation and digital space, we realised that the biggest challenges have nothing to be with being creative or generating new ideas.

The biggest challenge is to give creative minds and talents the platform to be their best. With Konzepthaus 360, we have created an environment to support our partners to bring the best out of their teams through Consulting to create the best foundation and empower their environment, through Learning to constantly develop their teams and through Recruiting to enrich the team to reach new heights.