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Blog & Insights

Our Innovation Blog is our honest and expert online journal of industry trends, insights, tips and advice for those passionate about mobility and digital design.

Paris Motor Show Cover Image

2022 Paris Motor Show: The End of the Affair

The irony is thick. At 5 am, a taxi picks me up for the 5.24 to London, to be conveyed to France by Eurostar. Add the rattling cross-town Metro, and before I have even entered a show ostensibly for cars, I have already spent six hours navigating public transport.

Top 7 Skills

The Top 7 Skills Every Car Designer Needs!

There are thousands of car designers out there, but what skills do you need to become successful in your craft as a car designer?

Business Value

What Is The Business Value Of Design?

The value of design, when utilised properly inside an organisation, is absolutely monumental. But how do you measure it?

Design University

The World's Best Automotive Design Schools & Colleges

Every beginner whose goal it is to make it as an automotive, mobility, or transportation designer will have to ask themselves at which university they should study. That's where this list comes in!

Transportation Design

How To Become An Automotive Designer In 2022

Becoming an automotive designer has greatly changed over the last couple of years. What steps do you need to make and which path do you need to choose to be successful in this great and challenging industry?


3 ways AR & VR are changing User Experience

AR & VR has changed user perspective substantially.


Designing For Accessibility Is Not That Hard!

Accessibility enables people with disabilities to understand, perceive, contribute to, interact with, and navigate the web.

User Research

Why Many Companies Don't Conduct User Research

Awareness of user research is growing and there are many people involved in creating software, digital products or websites who are still largely unaware.


Konzepthaus Design opens office in the heart of London

Press Release: 3rd May 2021 - London, UK
Following 2 years of vigorous growth, Konzepthaus Group is excited to open their new UK office, as the next phase of their growth plan kicks off.

IAA Mobility Cooperation Partner 2021

Konzepthaus chosen as this year's IAA MOBILITY partner for design!

Press Release: 6th April 2021 - Munich, Germany
Konzepthaus will be an official curator at this year’s IAA MOBILITY Conference from September 8 to 10, 2021.

Work Situation

What do we expect from design schools and universities?

I was recently invited to join a panel during the Munich Creative Business Week named “(Re)Thinking Design”. The topic, to discuss the changing role of designers in today’s business world.


5 great reasons to hire a graduate

It’s that time of year again, when university students are entering the market and Companies are trying to kick-start their budgets off, without having a lot of time to invest in training a rookie.