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3 ways AR & VR are changing User Experience


1. Making A Shift To First-Person Designs

VR has changed user perspective substantially. Books, movies, or even mobile apps on your device occur as a third-person experience because there is a distance between yourself and the device. With VR involved, however, the user is put at the forefront and is completely immersed in the experience.

2. Leaving Room For Interactions

One of the main purposes of augmented reality is to lower the overall amount of mental capacity needed to perform a task. Imagine you want to purchase a new kitchen table, but you have no idea how it would fit in your current setting.

Using the power of AR, the table manufacturer can essentially enable you to display the table in the existing setting, hence ridding you of the necessity to try it out and potentially return it.

3. Reducing Interaction Cost To Perform Certain Tasks

You can think of this cost as a sum of efforts, both mental and physical, deployed by the user to interact with the site in order to achieve his goals.

Imagine yourself in a clothes shop. You want to try out a new outfit. Traditionally, that would require you to take off all of your current clothing and put on the new set. This is bothersome. With the help of AR, users can simply stand in front of a mirror-shaped display that allows them to choose different outfits and display them immediately.

4. Conclusion

There are plenty of AR design secrets that one can take advantage of in order to stay up with emerging trends. It’s important to realize, though, that both VR and AR are becoming to shape up as important considerations that every UX designer or app developer needs to factor in.

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